2001 American Camellia Yearbook

Current Camellia Research
10 Current Camellia Research Contents
11 Will Camellias Become a National Crop?
by Ann Walton
13 Nursery Production of Tea Oil Camellias
by John M. Ruter
16 Research Update on Camellia oleifera
by John M. Ruter
18 Fungal Diseases Affecting Camellia in Galicia in North West Spain
by J. P. Mamilla, O. Aguin, P. Vela & M. C. Salinero
22 ACS Research Report on Camellia Petal Blight
by Mark Crawftrd
24 The Camellia Memorial Trust - Chairman's Report to the AGM ofThe New Zealand Camellia Society Inc. 2001
by Vince Neall
27 Research Summary from New Zealand on Ciborinia Control in Camellias
by Professor Alison Stewart and Ron van Toor
37 Bicarbonate Formulations and Manuka Oil for Flower Blight
by J. P. Long
38 DNA Identification of Camellia Varieties
by Ann Walton
40 Propagation Contents
41 ACS Hybridizing Committee
by Gene Phillips
44 The Narumigata Factor
by Neville Haydon
45 Camellia Hybridization in My Backyard
by John Wang
52 Beginners Guide to Hybridization in Camellias
by Dr. Clifford Parks
55 Modified Air Layering Method for Camellias in All Seasons
by Cheng Lee, Nathan Lee & Pei-Lin Labonte
61 Improved Air Layering Method for Larger Camellias
by Cheng Lee, Nathan Lee & Pei-Lin LaBonte
Camellias in your Landscape
65 Camellias In Your Landscape Contents
66 New Camellias for the Landscape
by Dr. Clifford Parks
77 Using Camellias in your Landscape: Mingle your camellias and other shrubs for a stunning effect all year long
81 The Camellia and Lake Maggiore
by Piero Hillerbrand
86 From the Pot into the Ground
by Robert R. Reese
88 Analyzing the Numbers on Your Fertilizer Containers
by Milton Surles
89 Distinguishing Between Botrytis and Camellia Petal Blight
by Mark Crawford
92 Society
93 New Camellias Registered Since the 2000 ACS Yearbook
99 How Best to Describe Camellia Color
by Gordon H. Goff