2003 American Camellia Yearbook

Camellia Culture
12 Camellia Culture Contents
13 The 2002-2003 Blooming Blight Diary
Vonnie Cave
15 Sudden Oak Death
17 Thoughts on Improving the Efficiency of Camellia Hybridization
John Wang
21 Budding Camellias
Robert G. Petersen
28 Research Contents
36 Section Paracamellia
Clifford R. Parks
34 Chairmans Report to the AGM of The New Zealand Camellia Society Inc. 2003
Vince Neall
45 Occurrence of Mites in Camellia Trees Grown in Parks and Gardens in Northwest Spain
R. Pérez Otero, P. Mansilla Vázquez, M.C. Salinero Corral & Mª J. Sainz Oses